Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ok, ok, I'm writing again. Not working on the book, but writing massive amounts of original work from my recent life experiences. That's ok, right?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Stuck, stuck, stuck.

Will write a story in a few minutes about my last evening with ERG, but I NEED to work on the book. Today is out, have to help Greg move. Tomorrow morning will work, but the rest of the day is gone. Same with Thursday. Friday....all day. Book. Yes.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Block broken yesterday by ERG's suggestion of a topic. Ally McBeal will be over today. Time to move on with the book.

Monday, August 22, 2011

I wrote nothing yesterday and probably nothing today, as it is chock full of kid activities. I'm pulling weeds today, with the help of my sons. Yeah! After which I will no longer be red faced with embarrassment at the prospect of having friends over to visit, and I want to have friends over more often.

So, no writing today. Definitely tomorrow. Wednesday school starts and the real business of the writing profession begins.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I wrote just a short post yesterday, did no editing. However, I had two artists dates with people I love, that I will write about, although perhaps not today. Maybe today. Eventually.

Today, I will spent a few hours working on the book. I will, I will, I will.

And pulling weeds.

I think the two are somehow tied.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Another day today, with no appointments on the calendar; a day to spend writing. Will report back later as to how much I accomplished.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Struggling to get to the page. Too many other activitities, people to see, old television shows to watch and remember a different time in my life.

Over the next three days, I will make the time. I will do what needs to be done.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I wrote and cried yesterday. Wrote and cried. I wrote new stuff, didn't do any editing for Diary of a Middle Aged Sex Goddess. I wrote three pieces, and all three made me cry, but I'm proud, very proud, of all three pieces. After sleeping on it, I decided not to post one of them, at least, not right now. Not this week. Maybe next week.

I'm struggling a bit when I get to the page, put off doing the work, get a little afraid that I can't tell the story, but I can! When I let my fingers hit the keyboard, exactly what I wanted came out. I can do this. I just have to keep at it.

Monday, August 15, 2011

I am struggling to get to the page for the only reason that I am living life so fully. I spent Friday in the arms of someone I love, then left to spend the rest of the day in the arms of others I love, and all day Saturday nestled in the warm and loving bosom of my family. Saturday evening, I purposefully had dinner with Sound Guy to experience the epilogue for one of my stories. Yesterday was spent in the company of a friend, creating a new writing experience, visiting my mother, grocery shopping with my son, all of which is the stuff of life.

My beautiful, wonderful life.

Today, I write.

Starting now.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Not much writing yesterday, but lunch with Wayne will give me something to write about today. I am cleaning up some of the loose ends of my life, and that is also a necessary step towards living the life of a writer.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I had such a good writing day on Sunday. Wrote a blog post about Friday's date and did a first edit for a good 20 pages of the book, as well as getting the chronology synced and generally moving the book forward.

Yesterday was not so productive. I left my computer at the office and let that justify watching tv with my sons all day yesterday. Between the computer and the fall from Sunday night, leaving my body and face battered and bruised, I felt fully justified.

My face is still scary...but I'm ok with that.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I got very little writing done yesterday, although the thoughts swirled in my head like a thousand tornados. I will write today. I know that yesterday was Saturday, but this is not a 9-5 endeavor. I need to be focused every day.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Yesterday was a great writing day. I worked on the book, nonstop, for three hours, editing, editing, editing. Then, I went on the worst first date of my life, which gave me yet another chapter for my book. And I thought beautiful thoughts, cried beautiful tears, all essentials for this new profession of mine.

I finished the agent's book, and now I'm reading a book by one of the published authors at the writer's conference from last weekend. I'm a better writer than either of them, I think. It gives me confidence to read the works of others because I know, I KNOW I have the talent and the discipline to make this happen.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Yesterday was not as good a writing day as I had hoped. Too many meetings and interruptions, and I was simply not focused. Today I will get something accomplished.

Yesterday, I picked a few more stories, read a little more, discovered that some of the stories, when I was writing most voraciously, don't show up on the blog. I missed them when I was first selecting stories, so I went back and rechecked some of them. I want to show them chronologically. I'll do more of that today, and am hoping to get another ten pages edited.

Yesterday, I also fixed the font on the remainder of the book. Big deal.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I've decided to use the space to blog about my writing life. I will post writing accomplishments every day. I may write about difficulties I'm having and successes I find along the way.

This is what I accomplished today:

Sent three query letters to agents I met at the conference
Wrote a blog entry
Worked on picking the next several stories to include in the book